Passion Album
Syriac Music Choir aims to preserve and develop the Treasury of Chants of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
St. Jacob d´Orhoy (of Edessa) (+708) gathered all kinds of musical forms in the Syriac Orthodox Church in what is called the Treasury of Chants of the Syriac Orthodox Church "Beth Gazo". This Treasury of Chants is the basis of all chants in our church. Today we are singing only a small amount of these forms of music in our churches where the greater part of them has unfortunately disappeared with the oral spread over centuries and because of the lack of scientific documentation.
This Album is a documentation of about twenty hymns and a humble attempt to preserve them in order to grant their continuity and prevent their disappearance.
Syriac Music is trying to get our church music from its ancient treasury to submit it to the public in a modern cultural format and at the same time preserves the original characteristics of the melodies.
Syriac Music Choir performed the hymns of Passion according to the Syriac Orthodox tradition. We did our best to present them in their original form without any additions.
This album is available for download at almost all the electronic shops like iTunes, Google play, Spotify and other platforms. You may download or listen to them at any time and specially in these days of Lent and Passion.
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By: Infomaster
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